Is God a bad guy? Evil and death inside nature


Is God a bad guy? Yes, that's a really weird stupid question. Nowadays, our theological level is so low that maybe monkeys know more about Jesus than ourselves. Don't fuckin laugh, toad; monkeys are not arrogant like us, and they prudently live far from our Babylonian towns...




Sometimes, we don't deserve to be considerate like humans, dude. Two thousand years after Jesus's trip to Earth, and we still can't manage to articulate anything relevant about him. We are blind because we don't want to seek. We just want to fuck. That's the sad reality. We want to fuck so the fact is that we are just seeking asses. Even our Mega churches are prostitute temples. Look at those ministers, suit and tie, with their pinky fatty skin: they strut like little bitches under the cross. They are singing, shaking their jelly ass for "God", and smiling everywhere because of their cool job. Good joke. Really good one. They speak about money, they speak about loving with an indecent voice. They think they are good preachers because people react in the assembly. Let me laugh.


Religion is becoming a kind of silly pride, such an arrogance. Our heart is fool of shit. Look at those mega meetings, all that money, all that obesity, everywhere. We are speaking about living of love, but we just swallow junky food, juicy garbage. And we should be regarded seriously?? 


So is God a bad guy? Why am I asking this? Because that is the deeply question. Atheists just say that God doesn't exist, because if He exists, He is a barbarian... because of the evil. Obviously, that is the deeply point. The big lake of wisdom. The french Philosopher Albert Camus thought that way. He thought that God can't exist because of all that dead around us everywhere and every time. When a child, who is innocent, dies, where is God? Where is His justice? If He is here, that's such a bad guy... Well that is quite what atheist people think.


But that's a really big mistake to think that way. We should be cautious when we speak about our Father. People think that if He is almightly, all powerfull, He can controle averything like Big Brother... like a tyran. Like the Soviet Power in USSR. That's so weird to think like that.


Actually, if you are bad you are acting like a crap, like a tyran, like Big Brother. That is the human disgusting rules. Thankfully, God isn't dumb like us. He can be almightly and not a tyran. He can give everything, but He want do do it for the us for ever in Paradise. Not during the micro-second of the earth time, but during the Heaven time. We are so schmuck that we ask Him to have Heaven time inside earth time. God just gave us the orgasm to have a kind of image of it. A man who dies, even if he is innocent, go to Heaven. His life don't really stop, as we always think when we are thinking of the drama of the Evil on earth. Huge misstatement concerning that.


God is almightly, but Loving: and loving means that you are weak, not strong. No contradiction! Just a holly paradox: God, as Jesus, decides to be weak for us. He can do everything, but He is such a good father that he accept to be weak for a moment to live a real love story with ourselves. Just for the second of the Earth time. The holly reply is in the Paradise, like He said to us. We always forget it. We must try to figure up to God wisdom.


The big misstatement: atheists say "why God if there is Evil?" ; so with a symetrical logic, we must say: "Why nothing if there is the Good?". If we argue that God can't exist because of Evil, then we can't manage to explain why, Good, Love and all those miracles exist. Why, if there is no God and just only animals in a babylonic nature? Atheist can't answer. Love is not explicable just with biology, gaz and dust. We must be realistic: our lives are made of a huge mistery. And God is the better translation af that word.


God isn't a bad guy.


Pierre-André Bizien





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