I am french and I must admit it: french theology has passed away. Nowadays, we can't really denie this opinion. The sunny french theological time is over. Of course, we can still find interesting, french christian thinkers... but the good old time is really over. We must remind that sixty years ago, christian theology was clearly dominated by french names like Daniélou, Mounier, Congar, Lubac... German theologians were terrific too.
What happened? France has just throwed theology like an old dead body, full of blood. Actually, French thinkers made a psychological war against god. Marxism, communism during the sixties, were on young lips. And we have an historical issue with religion in France. We can't really admit that modernity can work with religion. It is a really big "préjugé".
French christian thinkers still exist, obviously, but they are not read all over the world, like the old ones. Paul Valadier, Jean-Luc Marion, Paul Clavier are interesting ones. Paul Clavier is actually the most talented. His books are witty, generous, and accurate. If you read him, you will think about Chesterton or C.S Lewis. The best kind of theologians... Quite funny, nice, really serious too.
Jean Daniélou (who died on the floor of a prostitute) was quite magical. He was strongly catholic, but he was able to say that every religion is better than atheism. Nowadays, I'm not sure that every theologian would say the same...
Dear friends, let's hope that french theology will wake up!!
Have a really nice day
Pierre-André Bizien
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