Theological culture... the big dismay


Christian history... Does it bother you? Probably, statisticly speaking... You're so lazy. There is a gigantic spiritual heritage waiting us above our souls. But we never really think of it. Big dark mistake. New phones, computers, technological stuff... Real idolatry. How much time each day in front of those expensive toys? Don't answer, it's a deep shame. Even if you believe in God, you can't stand do go outside without your little phone. Pathetic. Reason to vomit on the floor, to spit on your fatty face. You read less, you eat more, you are becoming lazy, tired... Humankind begins to crack up. Yes dumb, you should pick up your phone, and call 911...


What do we really know about religion? Do you think that it is enough to pray four minutes twice a week? Do you fucking think that it's enough?


What do you know about your religion, your faith? Do you read anything serious sometimes? Do you know that the young Jesus was working hard on theological stuff in synagogue? Did he need it? Probably less than you.


Just think of it, don't be obscene. try to learn something everyday. Open your fuckin mind.


Do yu know, for example,  that Thomas Aquinas has been, for a long time, the official thinker of the christian civilization? What was his purpose? Just to mix christian philosophy with aristotelian antique rational knowledge. And it worked really well! He managed to do that. He brought the proof that Christianism and rationality were compatible. Catholic church celebrated Thomas Aquinas like a hero. It was a little bit too much. Protestant thinkers have said that. According to them, you just need to believe strongly in God. According to catholics, that is not enough.


Catholic people believe that traditions are very important for the faith, because the church work for Jesus since the first times, and we have to remember what our parents said about God. God can speak by people, like He can speak by the Bible. So tradition is really important. We don't have to be like prisoners of our past, but it is a duty to know it, as we can do.



The protestant thinker Schleiermacher said that all must come by intuition. Let's work on it. Intuition is working well when you make spiritual exercises, like thinking very strongly of a theological issue, or when you strongly think of what is the truth in that case, or that other case. Schleiermacher said one other interesting thing: religion is the appetite and the taste of infinitum. Let's think about it. Your faith must reflect that taste and that appetite. Read more. Old Theologians are very helpful!


Pierre-André Bizien



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